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What we know about pesticide residues in tap water in thousands of municipalities (and uncertainties about their toxicity).

The analysis of data on the quality of tap water in France reveals a phenomenon of magnitude, which confronts the health authorities with the lack of knowledge on the toxicity of certain molecules derived from pesticides . “The long-term health effects of exposure to low doses of pesticides are difficult to assess” , note the Ministry of […]

Bottled water contaminated with plastic particles: should you be worried?

Interview by Laurence Valdés Published on March 15, 2018 at 5:11 p.m., updated on March 15, 2018 at 6:58 p.m. STUDY – Polypropylene, nylon, polyethylene terephthalate (PET)… are present in the form of tiny particles in most bottled water, according to American analyzes covering nine countries. These particles would come from the container itself, its […]

Pollution : the Aisne prefecture restricts tap water in four municipalities

In Merlieux-et-Fouquerolles, Le Thuel , Versigny and Rogécourt, the presence of the pesticide exceeds a limit value set by the government. The consumption of mains water is no longer authorized there for drinking, preparing and cooking food and washing teeth. The municipalities concerned will have no alternative but to provide their constituents, at least initially, […]

Request for dismissal in the Chlordecone affair: Marcellin Nadeau denounces “a legal scandal”

The MP for Martinique returned to the dismissal required by the Paris prosecutor’s office in the chlordecone case. In response, the Minister Delegate for Overseas France underlined the independence of the judiciary and defended the government’s record. Jeanne Peru-Gelly • Posted on December 6, 2022 at 5:33 p.m., updated on December 6, 2022 at 6:01 p.m. The […]

Bottled water polluted with microplastics, even those for children

Bottled water is polluted with microplastics, which means that the French who consume it also ingest plastic. A real health risk, especially for the youngest. One of the main arguments of those who prefer bottled water over tap water is that of health. Bottled waters are supposed to be good for your health, which is […]

Pesticides in tap water: why the thresholds of the health authorities worry

While one in five households consumed water contaminated with pesticides, ANSES decided to raise the thresholds, thus making the quality compliant. This is one of the health issues that regularly comes up on the table: the quality of drinking water . According a joint survey of the World and of France 2 , 20% of the population in mainland […]

Pesticides: should we be afraid to drink tap water?

In 2021, approximately 20 % of French people in mainland France, or some 12 million people, have received at the tap, “regularly or occasionally, water that does not comply with quality criteria”, according to data collected by Le Monde from regional health agencies, water and prefectures. However, should this prevent us from consuming it? Water is […]

Evian, San Pellegrino… according to an American study, bottled water contains plastic particles

The water of many major brands around the world, including Evian and San Pellegrino, is contaminated with tiny plastic particles whose health hazards are still unknown. American researchers tested the water from more than 250 bottles in nine countries including Lebanon, India or the United States and found that 93% of the water samples were […]