The MP for Martinique returned to the dismissal required by the Paris prosecutor’s office in the chlordecone case. In response, the Minister Delegate for Overseas France underlined the independence of the judiciary and defended the government’s record.
Jeanne Peru-Gelly • Posted on December 6, 2022 at 5:33 p.m., updated on December 6, 2022 at 6:01 p.m.
The deputy for the 2nd district of Martinique, Marcellin Nadeau, mentioned the chlordecone pollution during questions to the government on Tuesday December 6, and the dismissal recommended by the Paris prosecutor’s office on November 24.
“It is clear that it is also and now a judicial scandal”, thundered the deputy Nupes, recalling that on November 24, the Paris prosecutor’s office requested a dismissal after 16 years of investigation. on this pesticide which poisons the West Indies . While chlordecone was banned in France in 1990, the French State, however aware of the risks, granted an exemption for several years to West Indian banana producers, victims of the weevil.
The public ministry, therefore the government, advocates silence and impunity.
Marcellin Nadeau, MP for Martinique.
“The circle is therefore complete. Justice cannot condemn the State, and the State asks justice to absolve the various persons responsible for this crime of poisoning”, estimates the deputy, who denounces the “contempt” to the regard “to the poisoned peoples of Martinique and Guadeloupe”.
Contempt or independent justice?
“This is not a final court decision, but an indictment from a public prosecutor” , corrected in response the Minister Delegate for Overseas Territories, Jean-François Carenco , before insisting on the independence of justice. “Let’s stop the useless polemics,” he added.
This government does not control the positions of justice and we respect the independence of justice.
Jean-François Carenco , Minister Delegate for Overseas Territories
From the recognition of prostate cancer as an occupational disease to free analyzes of the level of chlordecone in the blood of the population , through soil contamination tests, the Minister reviewed the progress made in the file since the election of Emmanuel Macron, the first president to acknowledge state responsibility for chlordecone pollution.
A scientific symposium dedicated to chlordecone will be held next week in Guadeloupe and Martinique.
of Tuesday, December 6, and the dismissal of the case by the Paris prosecutor’s office on November 24.
“It is clear that it is also and now a legal scandal,” thundered MP Nupes, recalling that on 24
Studies confirm that chlordecone has effects on our health
The health harms of chlordecone are already known, but it is possible to learn more bad news in the future. The molecule is an endocrine disruptor, that is to say it is likely to have effects on the body, but also on the brain of children.
Cecile Marre • Published on January 19, 2018 at 11:33 am, updated on March 1, 2019 at 10:40 a.m.
In this area, a researcher has worked extensively in Europe and the United States. Her name is Barbara Demeneix and she is one of the world’s foremost experts on endocrine disruptors.
An endocrine disruptor
She has proven the impact of these disruptors on the functioning of the thyroid and has taken an interest in her research in the consequences of pesticides on the brains of children, via their pregnant mothers. However, chlordecone is an endocrine disruptor. It was recognized as such by the WHO (World Health Organization) in 2012.
In the United States, certain regions exposed to pesticides and identified in the work of Barbara Demeneix report an explosion in the number of cases of autism, up to 600%. How far are we in Martinique? Difficult to know, because there is no epidemiological watch in Martinique, as is the case in France.
(Re)see the report:
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